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What is Holistic Yoga?

Let's explore both words separately​



In philosophy

• Characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.

In medicine

• Characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.



The word Yoga has two main meanings:

• Yoga is union. Yoga translates as union. The union between body, mind and spirit. It also refers to the union of the individual being (Jiva) with the cosmos (Atman).

• The techniques or methods to reach this union. The set of techniques applied to the integral development of the human being. The methods and attitudes by which it is possible to realize the state of Yoga (union).




Easy, apparently this two words are kind of the same thing, but strangely, nowadays Yoga is not shown as an holistic science. My point, is not calling it holistic yoga because is more integrative than traditional yoga, but to highlight the fact that yoga should ALWAYS be considerate holistic. It is not just a physical experience twice a week in a fancy studio, but a fully living experience.


Holistic Yoga brings a set of techniques for improving the human being on a physical, mental and spiritual level.


Yoga is a true experimental science. Being a holistic practice, we will continually transform and take its advantages in all aspects of our life. Everyday is a new opportunity to grow.



Practice beyond your mat


Use your mat as a laboratory that observes your mind, your emotions, your body. Feel and discover all of them as a hole. Finding your passive observer is the first goal, then bring all this experiences into your daily life, day and night. Adapt the practice of consciousness to your habits. I promise you alone will sense the necessity to switch into a healthy lifestyle.

Start this path of coherence in what you think, what you do, and what you say.



"The consciousness of man lives limited, circumscribed, to the mere surface of his being. Inside it lie enormous energies and wonderful faculties that man hardly ever learns about during his entire life. Any of them, updated, would be enough to completely transform the life of man"
                                                                                  A. Blay
In Holistic yoga we convine Hatha Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Gnana Yoga, Mantra Yoga and Tantra Yoga

All yoga types aim unity. What determines and qualifies the different techniques is not their objective, but rather their means, the instruments and mechanisms that they predominantly use to achieve it.


Hatha Yoga: It uses the external and internal domain of the body as a starting point and as a means to reach integration.

Karma Yoga: Employs external activity, active life, with progressive renunciation of the object of action.

Bhakti Yoga: It is that of love and devotion to God and service to others.

Raja Yoga: It uses the internal mastery of the mechanisms of mental activity.

Gnana Yoga: Employ discernment and abstract knowledge.

Mantra Yoga: Use the mastery of sound, external and internal, and the application of rhythm to certain combinations of sounds.

Tantra Yoga: Employs the management of psychic and physiological energies.

Experience a complete and integral practice, using the traditional and ancestral wisdom of Yoga that will change your life. This is a one way ticket to freedom.

What is on a 90min class?



Physical postures. 

Asanas are a means to enhance body-mind integration. It is not about taming the body, but about understanding it, taking care of it and developing it, from the experience of its inners rhythms.

We help the body with each asana to satisfy its legitimate need to breathe, stretch, compress, expand, mobilise, immobilise, flex, strengthen, relax, tone, affirm, and express yourself.



Pranayama is the part of Yoga that deals with the mastery of psychic energies by regulating the respiratory movement.

Yoga affirms that when the mastery of the respiratory movement has been achieved with perfection, the faculty of governing at will all the forces inherent in the nature of man is obtained, complete control of the internal functioning of the body is acquired, new mental and psychic faculties are developed, and, finally the spiritual nature of man is realised by direct experience



Discover the power of observation in stillness. This millenary technique of self awareness will help you to bring focus in all aspect of your life and establish a daily meditation routine. 


Yoga Nidra

Guided meditation to induce relaxation and a connection with the subconscious mind. Powerful tool to relieve stress and work your sankalpa (affirmations to reach a desire objective in life).

Yoga Nidra
Bring the experience of an holistic yoga journey 
Start feeling good today

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